12 Most Haunted Places In The World

Do you believe in ghosts? If so, you’re certainly not alone. For centuries, people have been reporting encounters with paranormal beings from other realms. Some say these sightings are nothing more than figments of overactive imaginations, while others believe that they are very real experiences. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there’s no denying that some places just seem to be more haunted than others.

In this blog post, we’ll take a look at some of the most haunted places in the world. From ancient castles to prisons and forests, these locations are sure to send a chill down your spine!

The Banff Springs Hotel, Canada

Nestled in the Rocky Mountains of Alberta, Canada, the Banff Springs Hotel is a beautiful example of Tudor-style architecture. But this luxury hotel is also rumoured to be one of the most haunted places in the world. From ghostly bridezillas to a playful poltergeist, the Banff Springs Hotel has something for everyone…if you’re into that sort of thing. So, if you’re feeling brave, read on to learn more about some of the hotel’s most famous ghosts.

Room 209

The Bellman

One of the most famous hauntings at the Banff Springs Hotel is that of Sam Macauley. Sam was a bellman at the hotel who was tragically killed in a nearby avalanche in 1916. His ghost is said to still haunt the hotel, and he has been spotted by numerous guests over the years.

The Bellboy

The bellboy who was crushed by an elevator is said to haunt Room 802. Guests have reported hearing laughter and footsteps coming from the room even when no one is there. Some guests have even reported seeing the doors to the room open and close on their own accord.

The Ghosts of Room 873

One of the most popular ghosts at the Banff Springs Hotel is that of a young girl named Daisy Coleman. Daisy was staying in Room 873 with her family when she suddenly woke up in the middle of the night feeling very ill. Her parents called for a doctor, but by the time he arrived, Daisy had passed away

Some say that Daisy’s ghost still haunts Room 873 to this day. Guests have reported seeing a little girl in a white nightgown roaming the halls or peeking out from behind the curtains. Others have heard strange noises coming from the room, like the sound of a child crying or laughing. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there’s no denying that Room 873 has an eerie feeling about it.

The Ghost Bride

Another haunting at the Banff Springs Hotel involves a bride who died on her wedding day. The story goes that the young woman was descending the staircase when her dress she tripped on her dress and fell to her death. Her ghost is said to haunt the staircase to this day, and she has been seen by many guests over the years.

The bride who fell down the staircase is also said to haunt Room 873 of the hotel. Guests have reported seeing her floating in the hallway or falling from the ceiling.

The Fiance

Another popular ghost at the Banff Springs Hotel is that of a woman named Elizabeth Wilson. Elizabeth was staying at the hotel in 1932 when she learned that her fiance had been killed in a car accident. Distraught, she walked down to the lake and drowned herself.

Some say that Elizabeth’s ghost still haunts the hotel to this day. Guests have reported seeing a woman dressed in white wandering around the halls or sitting by the lake. Others have reported hearing strange noises coming from Elizabeth’s old room, like footsteps or furniture moving around. Whether you believe in ghosts or not, there’s no denying that Elizabeth’s story is a tragic one.

The Maid

The maid who was burned alive is said to haunt Room 217 of the hotel. Guests have reported seeing her walking through walls and vanishing into thin air. It is believed that she was burned alive while trying to rescue a child from a fire that broke out in the room.

Bran Castle, Romania

Located in the heart of Transylvania, Bran Castle is perhaps best known as the inspiration for Bram Stoker’s 1897 horror classic, Dracula. The castle has a long and bloody history, having been the site of many battles and wars over the centuries. It is said to be home to the spirit of Vlad III Dracula, also known as Vlad the Impaler. Vlad was known for his cruel and sadistic methods of torture, and it is said that his spirit still haunts the castle to this day.

The Tower of London, England

The Tower of London has been witness to some of the most harrowing events in English history. It has served as a royal palace, a prison, and even a place of execution. Over the years, many people have reported seeing ghosts inside the Tower, including the spirits of Anne Boleyn and Lady Jane Grey. Jeffrey Archer even claims to have seen the ghost of Anne Boleyn while he was imprisoned there!

The Myrtles Plantation, Louisiana

The Myrtles Plantation is one of America’s most iconic haunted houses. It is said to be home to at least 12 ghosts, including that of William Drew Windemere, who was shot on the property in 1871. The plantation is also said to be cursed by a voodoo priestess named Chloe who was murdered on the property. To this day, people report seeing her apparition wandering around the grounds.

The Island of Dolls, Mexico

If you’re looking for a truly eerie place, look no further than the Island of Dolls in Mexico. This small island is located just south of Mexico City in the Xochimilco canals. The island is covered in dolls, many of which are mutilated or decapitated. The dolls were put there by a man named Don Julián Santana Barrera who lived on the island. He claimed that he did it to appease the spirit of a young girl who had drowned nearby. Visitors to the island say that they can hear the dolls whispering to them or laughing when they turn their backs. If that wasn’t creepy enough, some of the dolls have been known to move on their own.

The Moulin Rouge, Paris, France

The Moulin Rouge is one of the most famous nightclubs in the world. It was also the site of one of Paris’ most gruesome murders. In 1911, an acrobat named Charles LeMaire was performing at the club when he fell to his death from the balcony. His ghost is said to still haunt the Moulin Rouge today. Witnesses have reported seeing him perform his act on the balcony and hearing strange noises coming from backstage, where he died.

Aokigahara Forest, Japan

Aokigahara forest is a place with a dark history. It’s located at the base of Mt. Fuji and it’s often called “the suicide forest.” Since 1950, more than 500 people have gone into the forest to commit suicide. In recent years, that number has been increasing with more than 100 suicides taking place each year. The Forest has become so associated with suicide that there are now signs throughout it urging people to seek help if they’re thinking about taking their own life. Visitors to the forest have also reported hearing strange noises and seeing strange lights emanating from deep within it.

The Baker Mansion

For years, the former home of wealthy ironmaster Elias Baker has been haunted by the spirit of a young woman named Anna. Legend has it that Anna was forbidden to marry the man she loved by her wealthy father and that she died of a broken heart as a result. Visitors to the mansion have reported seeing her ghost wandering the halls and grounds, and many say they’ve felt her presence as well. Could the ghost of Anna Baker be responsible for the strange occurrences at the Baker mansion?

The legend of Anna Baker’s ghost dates back to the late 1800s when Elias Baker, a successful ironmaster, built a lavish home for his family in central Pennsylvania. Elias was a demanding father who expected his children to uphold the family’s reputation and status. Anna, his youngest daughter, was a free-spirited young woman who loved nothing more than spending time with her beloved horse, Victor.

One day, Anna met a young man named John Moore while out riding Victor. The two quickly fell in love and began meeting in secret. However, Elias found out about their relationship and forbade them from seeing each other again. A heartbroken Anna withdrew from her family and friends and became a virtual recluse. Less than a year later, she passed away suddenly at the age of 21.

Many believe that Anna never recovered from being forced to give up John and that she died of a broken heart. After her death, witnesses began reporting sightings of her ghost at the family home and even claimed to have felt her presence. To this day, people still report seeing her apparition as well as hearing strange noises emanating from the house.

The Castro district of San Francisco

Known for its rich history, but it also has a dark side. The ghost of James Davern is said to haunt the Red Victorian Bed & Breakfast, which was once his home. according to eyewitnesses, Davern’s ghost has been known to play tricks on guests, move furniture around, and even make appearances in photographs.

Bhangarh Fort, India

Image Credit Wikipedia

If you’re looking for a truly chilling experience, consider a visit to India’s Bhangarh Fort. The fort is said to be cursed and visiting it after sunset is strictly prohibited by law. Locals believe that the fort is haunted by the ghost of a princess who was betrayed by a sorcerer and that anyone who enters the fort after dark will meet the same fate as she did.

Lafayette Cemetery No. 1. New Orleans

There’s no shortage of haunted places in New Orleans, but one of the most well-known is Lafayette Cemetery No. 1. The cemetery is said to be home to dozens of ghosts, including voodoo queen Marie Laveau and photographer Roland Bleinschmidt. Visitors have reported hearing strange noises coming from the graves and seeing shadows moving among the tombstones.

Eastern State Penitentiary in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania.

Image Credit Cn Traveler

The prison was once home to some of America’s most notorious criminals, including Al Capone, and it’s said that their spirits still roam the halls today. Witnesses have reported hearing strange noises, seeing shadowy figures, and even feeling like they’re being watched while inside the prison walls.

These are just some of the most haunted places in the world. If you’re looking for a real life horror story, these places will certainly give you chills.

Featured Image Credit of Casper The Friendly Ghost

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