12 Signs You’re Disrespecting Yourself and How to Stop

Every relationship we have can be viewed as a reflection of our relationship with ourselves, and setting the tone for the right relationships, lies heavily upon us. So how well are you treating yourself? It reflects in your friendships.

By trusting ourselves and listening to our thoughts, feelings, and emotions, we become more authentically free, giving us an excellent opportunity to become comfortable in our own skin. Yet, when we are not comfortable with who we are, we project onto others what we cannot accept of ourselves.

Here are the 12 Signs You Need To Treat Yourself a Little Better

12. You are “judgy.”

“Life is a mirror and will reflect back to the thinker what he thinks into it” – Ernest Holmes

Remember that each time you lash out against someone, whether behind their back or to their face, you are meeting an aspect of your own shadow. So, turn those words back around because what you just said is precisely what you need to heal, accept and alchemize within you.

Tongue lashing someone with crude remarks is a sure sign that you’re not comfortable in your own skin; you’re too hard on yourself. You lack self-acceptance. When we judge others, not only are we bringing forward an aspect of ourselves, we are unwittingly hurting someone else based on our own perception of the world in how we see others.

11. You seek validation from others.

We seek attention and validation from others when something is missing. A void that needs to be filled, and without the proper tools and the introspection to understand and alleviate the cause, we search for an external reaction. You are the cause and the reaction. What you seek in the world is already within you; you already know the answer because you asked the question. Measure yourself by your own standards and set the bar high because you’re worth it.

10. You put yourself last.

Doing things for others can bring us joy and satisfaction, but there is sacred selfishness that we can’t afford to ignore. When we over-indulge in giving our time, energy, and good nature, we may think that there’s no harm but be warned, like a car we can’t run on empty, and we all need a refill.

9. You repetitively do things you dislike.

Whether it’s a job, a lifestyle, or a relationship, continuing on in the same energetic cycle that doesn’t serve your higher good is not only unhealthy; it can cause mental and emotional conditions such as anxiety and depression. If you find yourself feeling like you are stuck on the rat wheel, you already know it’s time to get off. It will not do you any good now or later, so trust that something better will be waiting for you around the next corner, and it will.

8. You’re angry.

“Anger is a sign that something needs to change” – Mark Epstein

What is anger? Where does it come from? And why does it have the ability to boil our blood so much! A face of the ego, anger can come knocking for a variety of reasons. Anger is a sign that you aren’t satisfied with your current situation, whether emotionally or psychologically. To be plain, your basic needs are not being met, and your ego “I” is letting you know clearly that you need to serve yourself a little better.

7. You let others have too much say in your life.

“Can you remember who you were before the world told you who you should be?” -Danielle Laporte

Whether it’s our parents, friends, coworkers, or bosses, we are always getting advice from somewhere (whether we are asking for it or not is a different story.) The point is to entertain a thought without accepting it. Feel for yourself if what you are being told resonates with you, the real you, the child with hopes and dreams for itself. Be mindful of what you allow into your decision-making, this is your life, and you are the only one living it.

6. You tell white lies.

Even the tiniest fib is a reflection of your self-confidence. Never lower yourself to try to impress someone else. Be you, be real; you are enough just as you are. Anyone who can’t respect the truth isn’t worth your time.

5. You mask your emotions.

Since I was young, I have always viewed feelings and emotions as separate. I understood that my emotions were based on instances where I had been hurt, wronged, and transgressed due to often confusing and challenging times in my life.

My feelings were much different in that they were a clear inner knowing of who I was. What I was supposed to do and served as my guidepost of light in the darkest of times.

Too often, though, I noticed others unable to differentiate between the two and mask everything they were feeling. Largely, or in part, due to the inability to comprehend or the fear of what they might find buried and hidden away in the hidden closets of the mind.

To drown emotions, we flush away our elevated instincts (intuition) by using alcohol, drugs, cigarettes, and anything else that can be used as a distraction. This keeps us from dealing directly with what is at hand. And the greatest tragedy of the matter is that when we choose to forget the bad, we also forgot the good.

4. You can’t take the bad with the good.

You can’t add more water to your cup if it is already full. When we cannot release past experiences by working through them emotionally, psychologically, and spiritually we feel like we just can’t take another bad one. We think to ourselves, “if anything else happens, I just can’t take it.” Naturally, we seek out the fun-filled aspects of life and negate all responsibility.

Quite often, this is known as a mid-life crisis. It’s all of the things we’ve been avoiding for so long, and they will always work their way forward at some point. Whenever we are ready to stop running and surrender to our own pain and suffering, we can release its hold on us, and we are ready to take on anew. Empty your cup.

3. You’re hard on yourself.

It is my personal belief that self-acceptance and humility fall hand in hand. While many believe we all make mistakes, I am not one of them. That is to say; we are perfect just as we are. If someone is going to keep score– stop. Life is about learning and growing, not tallying our karma, and when we can forgive ourselves for the things we didn’t know then that we know now. We ascend into love and acceptance of self and release the burden.

It’s a weight you’ve been carrying for too long; drop the bag.

2. You don’t trust your intuition.

We all have instincts. A flash of insight or an inner voice that guides our decision-making process. However, it is your choice whether or not to listen. Make the one that serves you first.

1. You’re not following your heart.

Your heart knows long before your conscious mind has had time to process your feelings. You will always get a soft nudge, an internal knowing of whether you should or should not proceed in any of life’s situations. Yet, it is expected that this nudge is overlooked, usually buried by emotional triggers of the brain that cloud the mind and steer you off course. It is usually why it is said that we should never make a hasty decision, and it is dead on. Always give yourself the time to separate your feelings or inner knowing from your emotions, and trust yourself once you have. Trust your instincts and trust in knowing it always finds a way in life and love.

This Post Was Written by LJ

This article 12 Signs You’re Disrespecting Yourself and How to Stop was originally published here at isoulscience.com and has been republished with and without permission.  

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