The Dark Side of Being the Golden Child

by freespirit
The Dark Side of Being the Golden Child

In every family, there is always one child who seems to get all the attention. They are the “golden child.” The golden child is often seen as a role model for their siblings and is lavished with praise and admiration. But what happens when this pressure gets to be too much? What happens when the golden child can no longer live up to the expectations that have been placed on them? All too often, the golden child cracks under the pressure and ends up leading a life of disappointment and misery.

The Golden Child Syndrome

The term “golden child syndrome” was first coined by psychiatrist Carl Jung. It refers to a situation where one child in a family is given preferential treatment while the other children are neglected or even abused. In most cases, the golden child is the eldest child. This syndrome usually arises when one parent feels threatened or even threatened by their partner’s attention to another child.

The Dark Side of Golden Child Syndrome

In some cases, parents may believe that their child can do no wrong. As a result, they may excuse any bad behaviour on their part and instead blame it on other people or circumstances. This can cause serious problems later in life when the child grows up and realizes that they are not actually perfect. They may then lash out in anger or become depressed because they feel like they can never live up to the unrealistic standards that have been set for them.

The Pressure of Being the Golden Child

The pressure of being the golden child can be immense. These children are often expected to be perfect in every way, and they are usually compared favourably to their siblings. As a result, they may feel like they can never live up to their parent’s expectations. This pressure can lead to all sorts of problems, including anxiety, depression, and even substance abuse.

If you are the parent of a golden child, it is important to ensure that you do not put too much pressure on them. Instead, try to focus on teaching them how to cope with disappointment and failure. Golden children need to learn that it is OK to make mistakes and that nobody is perfect. If you can help your child develop these skills, you will give them a great gift that will last a lifetime.

Advice and healing

Recognize that you have golden child syndrome, and acknowledge the negative consequences of your actions. Golden children are hard on themselves and, thereby, hard on others around them. The best course of immediate action would be to stop trying to be perfect and be less critical of others.

By understanding what the syndrome is and how it can negatively affect your relationship with your parents and others, you automatically become self-aware. And when you are aware of the problem you have, you can take the driver’s seat of your own life.

Step 1

Acknowledge your own feelings of entitlement and superiority, and work on developing a more humble attitude.

Step 2

Communicate openly and honestly with your parents about the way you’re feeling and what you need from them

Step 3

Seek out support from friends or family members who will offer an unbiased perspective on the situation

Step 4

Take responsibility for your own actions, even if they were caused by the influence of your golden child status.

Step 5

And finally, seek help from a therapist or counsellor.

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