10 Best Spiritual Blogs To Follow in 2023

With a new year comes the perfect opportunity to begin fresh and make positive changes in our lives. If you are looking to add more spiritual guidance into your life in 2023, then look no further! We have compiled a list of some of the best spiritual blogs that you should follow this year as they offer insight, advice, and resources that can support both personal growth and healthy living.

In this blog post, we will provide an overview of what each blog has to offer so you can determine which one resonates with your unique needs. Whether it’s providing tips on daily meditation practices or inspiration on manifesting abundance in your life, these top 10 spiritual blogs have something for everyone.

Let’s take a closer look at what’s out there.

1. The Mindful Word

The Mindful Word is a website dedicated to providing readers with information on mindfulness and meditation. The site offers articles, tips, and resources on a variety of topics related to mindfulness, including how to start a meditation practice, the benefits of mindfulness, and how to incorporate mindfulness into daily life.

2. Be More with Less

Be More with Less is a blog that helps readers simplify their lives and live with more intention. The site offers articles and resources on topics such as decluttering, minimalism, and intentional living. The goal of the blog is to help readers create lives that are rich in experiences and relationships, but free from the clutter and stress that comes from living an overly materialistic lifestyle.

3. Tiny Buddha

Tiny Buddha is a website that offers advice and guidance on how to live a happier, more fulfilling life. The site features articles on topics such as self-care, relationships, happiness, and personal growth. In addition to articles, Tiny Buddha also offers podcasts, e-courses, and other resources to help people improve their well-being.

4. The Positivity Blog

The Positivity Blog is a website devoted to helping readers cultivate more positive thinking in their lives. The site features articles on topics such as gratitude, happiness, mindset shifts, and self-compassion. In addition to articles, the site also offers challenges, printables, and other resources to help people become more positive thinkers.

5. Live Bold and Bloom

Live Bold and Bloom is a blog that helps readers create lives they love by living with intention and purpose. The site offers articles on topics such as goal setting, time management, personal growth, and productivity. In addition to articles, the blog also features interviews with inspiring individuals who have created lives they love despite challenges and setbacks.

6. Zen Habits

Zen Habits is a blog that helps readers slow down and live more intentionally in order to find greater peace and happiness in life. The site features articles on topics such as simplifying your life, slowing down, letting go of perfectionism, and finding your passion. In addition to articles, Zen Habits also offers courses & ebooks on topics such as meditation & mindfulness practices for beginners..

7. Pick the Brain | Motivation and Self Improvement

Pick the Brain is a website devoted to helping readers improve their lives through motivation and self-improvement strategies. The site covers a wide range of topics related to personal growth including productivity tips, goal-setting advice, time management strategies, habits, memory improvement techniques, decision-making skills, critical thinking skills, emotional intelligence, social intelligence, creativity, learning styles, study habits etc . . . . .

8. Life Optimizer

Life Optimizer is a blog devoted to helping people optimize their lives for greater happiness and satisfaction

9. Wildmind Buddhist Meditation Blog

Wildmind Buddhist Meditation Blog provides information about mindfulness meditation practices within the context of the Theravada tradition of Buddhism (the tradition followed in Sri Lanka).

10. Elephant Journal

The elephant journal is an online magazine that covers a wide range of topics related to spirituality, personal growth, and social change. The site features articles from a variety of writers and thinkers, as well as regular podcasts and events.

These are the best spiritual blogs to follow in 2023. If you’re looking for a place to start your journey, these 10 sites will give you plenty of options—and maybe even some answers. From personal growth and development to religion and spirituality, there’s something here for everyone. So dive in and find the perfect blog (or ten) for you.

And don’t forget to bookmark this page so you can come back later!

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