10 Signs The Universe Is Trying to Tell You Something

by freespirit

How many times do you ask the Universe to show you a sign if something is going to happen or if something is good or bad for you? We are in desperate need of communicating with the Universe, but oftentimes we do not know how, or worse, we do not know how to read the signs.

Sometimes we go back in time and think to ourselves, โ€œI should have known, because this or that had happened and it was a sign!โ€

The good news is, there are ways to be in tune with the Universe and to understand what the message is. And the signs are everywhere if we know where to look, how to see and how to listen. Sometimes we receive messages about good things but we also receive messages about bad things. It is good to be aware of them.

Here are 10 things you should pay attention to in order to decode the messages from the Universe:

1. You feel increased intuition

When you find yourself more open and more aware of what is going on around you, it means you are trusting your intuition. Our intuition is very connected with the Universe. If you have a sudden good or bad feeling about something, some place or someone, stop and read your thoughts carefully. There is a reason why we feel the way we feel, because everything is made of energy and everything has a vibration. Some vibrations make us feel good while others make us feel uneasy. It is because we interact with everything and everyone around us. We exchange energies.

Sometimes a look in someoneโ€™s eyes or their body language give away a lot of clues. Or when you go to a certain place, the colours, the environment, people in that place affect our own vibration in a positive or negative way. If you have a sudden unexplained good or bad feeling, do not be so quick to dismiss it. It may be a sign from the Universe.

2. You believe in yourself and in the Universe

Sometimes we lose our skeptical side all of a sudden. We see we have more faith and we feel spiritually higher and mentally clearer. When the Universe sends us messages it also sends us faith. Faith does not have to be religious, in fact most of the time it is not religious. It is a feeling that we can not describe but we know it exists and it is there for a reason. We simply believe it not because we need to but because we simply realize that it is the right thing.ย 

3. You are more open to receive the answers

When we know how to trust, and when we surrender ourselves completely to the Universe, we can then become more open to receive the answers. It is important to be in the present moment and be completely free of worries and fears and judgments most importantly. Judgments cloud our intuition and it blocks our receivers. Tell yourself you are ready to receive whatever comes your way and you will accept it. You are ready to accept it.ย 

4. You notice little changes easily

Do you ever think about it when someone points out little details to you and you wonder how they notice such little things? Sometimes someone describes certain situations with great accuracy and it makes your jaw drop. People who trust their gut feelings and who are open to receive, notice little details and changes very easily. At any given moment, things happen to get our attention. Sometimes we are too busy to look at them or to listen to them and sometimes we do not even care about them. When you start receiving signs from the Universe, you will see that you will be more aware of every little detail around you.ย 

5. You notice recurring events or repeating numbers

If you did not notice the first time, you will certainly notice it when it happens again and again and again. Some people for example see 11:11 constantly. They find themselves checking the clock exactly at that time without even knowing and then they realize it happened again. It can be any number. Sometimes certain events keep repeating that you did not think much of in the beginning but now that you keep seeing the same thing you ask yourself what it means for you. Certainly it is a way the Universe is sending you codes to decipher.ย 

6. You hear a song or see an image or a word in print

Sometimes you think of someone and you notice an ad with something that reminds you of that person. Or that person calls you maybe. Sometimes you think of something and a very appropriate song for that situation suddenly plays on the radio. Maybe you were thinking of a loved one who passed and the song was their favorite song. Then maybe this person was trying to communicate with you. You think of a place and on TV you see something about that place. If you can not understand why this is happening at that moment, write it down and mark the time and date. Maybe you will see more signs relating to that same thing and you will start to understand why this is happening.ย 

7. A sudden illness

Sometimes when everything goes well, you suddenly feel sick. But you can not explain why. Chances are the Universe is trying to warn you about a possible negative situation. Maybe it is trying to stop you from meeting someone or going to a place. Maybe you need to lay down and slow down to really start thinking of things. Maybe you were too busy beating yourself up for something that is not meant for you. It could be all of those things. When you feel down, when you feel sick, take this time to reflect back into your life and figure out what can be wrong.

8. Negative remarks from certain people

This happens for two reasons. Either the Universe is trying to show us the true identity of a certain person by revealing it through their own words towards us or these remarks are a sign that we are getting ourselves into an unpleasant or risky situation. We may have our channels closed when we want something so bad or when we think so highly of someone due to things that we lack in our personal or professional lives. During these times we lose our better judgment because we are not open. It is wise to pay attention to negative things as much as we pay attention to positive things.

9. You have unexplained anger or worry

This is also connected to your intuition. When you feel like this, you need to stop and realize that something is not right and your intuition is trying to communicate with you. Just breathe, slow down and try to see and identify what is making you feel this way.ย 

10, Losing or breaking something importantย 

You are thinking of someone and suddenly the clumsy in you peaks out. Maybe it is not the clumsy in you but it is the Universe telling you something else. It can also be that you lose something important to you instead of breaking. When you notice you lost something and you can not find it, pay attention to whom or to what you have been thinking just prior to that moment. It might be a sign inviting you to analyze things closer.

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