5 Easy Ways to Ground Yourself When You Feel Overwhelmed

by freespirit
5 Ways ti Ground Yourself When You're Overwhelmed

Do you feel overwhelmed, stressed out or anxious ever? Unfortunately, it’s pretty standard in our society today, and more and more people are prescribed medication to try to relieve these feelings.

Whether from common social conditions or even due to the massive surge of spiritual awakenings in our world today, knowing how to soothe yourself is essential to re-balancing.

I can’t count the number of times when people told me I needed to get grounded during my spiritual awakening. So, after much contemplation, I asked myself, “how does one ground themselves?” While the obvious answer is to implore a root chakra meditation, there are a few other ways to ground yourself that will leave you feeling great quickly!

1. Get Creative 

Painting, drawing, and even colouring are some of the best ways to ground. It gives your mind the creative outlet to unleash that pent-up energy you have flowing through you with no escape route.

Have fun with it if you think you aren’t very good at it or have never done it before. Throw the paint, splash the colour, and let it all out! If anything, it will feel good, and you might even laugh at yourself.

Clay and pottery are also very soothing if these options don’t suit you.

2. Restore to Nature 

Studies have shown that nature helps maintain and increase our psychological and mental health; just getting out and walking through a forested area and breathing in the natural earth brings us back to equilibrium.

Nature promotes happiness and well-being, so take advantage and restore yourself.

3. Walk Barefoot 

This, I find to be the most fantastic way to get grounded. As the old saying goes, ‘keep your feet on the ground and your eyes in the skies.’

Walking barefoot allows you to take root. Studies have also shown that walking barefoot strengthens the immune system, improves sleep and helps to normalize biological rhythms.

During spiritual awakening, our energies are pulling up and out through our crown chakras, and so it is essential to offset this to achieve proper energy flow. Too much of a good thing can be just that, so run barefoot. I know you’ll love it.

4. Gardening 

Another way to get rooted is to plant a garden. Although the symbolic seeding and planting represent your energy, the action of seeds taking root helps to allow your energy to recirculate and flow from the root chakra to the crown.

5. Fill Up on Protein 

Protein-rich foods sit heavier on the system than light fruits and vegetables. So if you feel you are flying too high and are overwhelmed, you can offset this by weighing yourself down.

On the opposite end, if you want to heighten your energy, eat lighter foods or fast.

The article 5 Easy Ways to Ground Yourself When You Feel Overwhelmed was originally published here. 

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