Why You Should Always Follow Your Heart

Have you ever been in a situation where you just couldn’t make up your mind? Maybe you were trying to decide between two different jobs or two different love interests. Maybe you were trying to decide whether to move to a new city or stay put. Whatever the case may be, we’ve all been there. And it’s never an easy decision to make.

On the one hand, you have logic and reason telling you one thing. On the other hand, you have your heart and your gut telling you another. So, which one should you listen to? The answer is simple: always follow your heart. Here’s why.

Your heart knows what you really want. Often, when we’re trying to make a decision, we get so caught up in the details that we forget what we really want. We get so caught up in what’s logical and reasonable that we forget what will actually make us happy. But your heart knows what you really want. It knows what will make you happy. And that’s why it’s so important to listen to it.

5 Reasons Why You Should Always Follow Your Heart

1. When you follow your heart, you’re being true to yourself.

You know what they say, “If it ain’t true, don’t say it.” Following your heart requires honesty—both with yourself and with others. It means living in alignment with your values and beliefs and not compromising just to please someone else. When you’re being true to yourself, you’re happier and more fulfilled because you’re not living a lie.

2. Following your heart will lead you to your true passion in life.

The Universe has a way of rewarding those who are authentic and chase after their dreams. First of all, it’s just good karma. But secondly, when you follow your heart and do what you love, you naturally become more successful because success comes more easily to those passionate about what they’re doing. You attract what you put out there, so if you’re putting out positive energy and working hard towards something you believe in, good things will come your way.

3. When you follow your heart, doors open for you.

Have you ever heard the saying “when one door closes, another one opens?” It’s true! Sometimes the things we think are roadblocks in our lives are actually blessings in disguise. Maybe a job didn’t work out the way we wanted it to, but then we met someone who changed our life for the better or we discovered a hidden talent we never knew we had. Everything happens for a reason—even the bad stuff!—so it’s important to stay open-minded and listen to what life is trying to tell us.

4. Life becomes an adventure.

Life is an adventure whether you’re following your heart or not, but following your heart makes it even more exciting because everything is new and unknown territory. It’s an opportunity to grow and learn more about yourself and the world around you. Why play it safe when there’s so much out there to explore? The only way to find out what’s waiting for you is to take that leap of faith and go for it!

5. When time stops mattering.

“Don’t worry about the years passing by,” they say.”You’ll regret it when you’re old if you don’t make time for the things that matter.” And they’re right! Life is too short to spend time doing things we hate or being someone we’re not just because it’s “practical” or “responsible.” We only get one shot at this life, so we might as well make it count by following our hearts and chasing our dreams while we still can!

Your heart is never going to lead you astray. Sure, it might not always make the most sense in the moment. But that’s because we often can’t see the whole picture when we’re in the thick of things. Our emotions can cloud our judgment and prevent us from making logical decisions. But if you take a step back and really listen to your heart, you’ll see that it’s always leading you in the right direction—even if it doesn’t seem like it at first.

So, the next time you find yourself at a crossroads, struggling to make a decision, remember this: always follow your heart. Your head might tell you one thing, but your heart will always know what’s best for you—so don’t ignore it! Trust yourself, and trust your gut instinct. It might not always make sense in the moment, but if you follow your heart, you’ll never go wrong.

I followed my heart and it led me to heartbreak…

If you are someone that has followed their heart only to heartbreak. You’re not alone. In fact, I personally cannot count the number of heartbreaks I’ve endured. Yet, I can tell you honestly that each one was worth it. I know that’s so hard to hear. But each and every time your heart is broken, a tremendous amount of wisdom is gained.

We all do our best with what we have at that moment. And I highly recommend a few heartbreaks in life, because those are exactly what put us on the right path to where were supposed to be.

As they say, the cracks are where the light comes in.

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