Love is…

by freespirit
Love is

Of all the things I know, I know this for sure: love is at the very core of every human being and every living thing. It is the light, the strength and the pillar. The godhood in each of us and the spirit that brings life to our bones. Love is at our root, and love is the light.

Love can make us feel on top of the world and bring us to our knees the next. Yet, no matter what life throws our way, love will always be there. Even when we suffer heartache after heartache, love remains. And thatโ€™s because love is something that can never be taken away from us. Can you hold light n your hands? Can your love be stolen, taken or broken? For whoever has love has life. Itโ€™s something we always carry with us, even when everything else seems to be falling apart.

Those who love are not weak; those who are kind are not feeble; Strength, true strength, is the foundation of love. You are not weak because you love. Because you love, you are brave.

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For whoever has love has life.

Opposing forces will try to tear down your pillar, but anyone rooting in the foundation of love will remain. While may suffer blow after blow, love will stand strong. Fear can tear you down, break you open and make you suffer, but love will remain. Bricks will be torn down, dense, foregoing, lacking substance, of the earthโ€™s most powerful force. And all that will remain is love.

Love is the glue that holds humanity together. In a world full of hate and violence, itโ€™s easy to forget that love is the single most powerful force in the world. . Love motivates us to do good and be kind to others.; Love is what drives us to fight for justice and equality. Love is what makes us human.

When we understand this truthโ€”that love is at our rootโ€”we can live our lives from a place of power rather than from a place of fear. From this knowledge we see that it is not opposed forces that define us but rather our own loving nature. We are not victims of circumstance but rather co-creators of our reality. And when we operate from this place of power, we radically transform our lives and the world around us.

Love is the fountain of life and youth and may it always be.

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