15 Spirit Animal Totems You Might Encounter (And What They Mean)

by freespirit

I don’t know about you, but I love interpreting the symbols I see in my dreams. I keep a journal next to my bed so I can write them down for interpretation.

Our dreams give us clear insight as to what is going on in our subconscious minds and when we can remember our dreams with clarity, deep insights can be found that bring profound meaning as it relates to our everyday situations in physical life, as well as our soul journey in the eternal realms.

Spirit animals are important symbols that guide our journey and their meanings should never be overlooked. As each bring with them great wisdom that will give you a higher perspective of your world.

Here are 15 of the most common and most potent spirit animal symbols and their interpretations. A-G.


A symbol of status, power and bringer of ancient knowledge, when an alligator comes into your dreams, keep your eyes open. This animal totem is giving you clear sight to see beyond the emotional waters you have been swept up in.

The alligator comes as a warning to get control of your emotions and balance yourself, just as the alligator can dwell on land or sea you too must balance your polarities. Alligators are deeply connected with Mother Nature and are fierce and fearless. An alligator will guide you to make proper judgement in the decisions you are currently facing.  (also crocodile) 


A symbol of “the way” the antelope comes bounding into your life to bring you a message to follow your instincts and trust yourself. It’s time to take action, listen to your quick wits and your intellect and in doing this, the path will become clear. The antelope is curious and sociable, yet keen to dash at the slightest trace of danger. Be on alert for the good the bad and the ugly.


A symbol of the great mother, the bear brings healing, courage, leadership, strength and protection. The bear may come to you when you need emotional support, strength and healing. The bear provides the grounding forces needed to obtain balance.

When the bear visits you in your dreams pay attention to how you feel. If the bear is charging at you or you are being chased, this may indicate that your beliefs and ideals are being questioned. It is time to hold your ground, stand up for yourself and have confidence.

“The Great Bear in Britain and Ireland is Arth, who, with her starry son Arthur, identities our beginnings with the Bear constellation, and the typical Seven Stars and Constellations. The Ainos, or hairy men in the Island of Jesso, the most northern part of Japan, trace their beginnings back to a bear and a dog. They say that the first human being was a woman, who, when the world was formed out of the waters, floated on the deep carrying fishing and hunting gear. She landed on an island, where she dwelt alone in a beautiful garden, which still exists although no man can find it. The loss of this paradise is connected with the increase and dispersion of the race, following the advent of a ” protector” whom she had permitted to enter the garden which was their Eden of the fore-world.” – Natural Genesis


A symbol of gratitude, appreciation and abundance the buffalo brings the lesson of being thankful for what we already have. When our disposition is one of acceptance rather than expectation, abundance manifests easily.


A symbol of metamorphosis and rebirth, a butterfly brings news that great changes are coming or are needed. To see several butterflies indicates change is coming very soon and will be positive. If a monarch butterfly comes to you, this indicates prosperity and wealth is on the horizon and is coming on the winds of these changes.


A symbol of luck, mystery, magic, trickery and illusion, in its talkative nature the crow is said to be the messenger between our world and other worlds. A shape-shifter, the crow brings the reminder that miracles are always possible, if we can learn how to manipulate the laws of the universe. A crow coming into your dreams asks you to look at things from a higher perspective and raise your awareness, magic is everywhere is you can learn to alter your perception.


A symbol of friendship, loyalty, heroism and protection the dog is a symbol of the guardian and is known to be a communicator between the physical and metaphysical worlds. The dog is known to protect and give safe passage to those travelling at death into the afterlife.

If a dog comes into your dreams, have no fear know that you are safe and protected by unseen forces that are always with you.


A symbol of hope, love, peace and understanding the dove brings the message of blessing from the holy spirit. To release a dove or see a dove flying away from you, indicates that you have released your fears, jealousy or hatred and have found forgiveness to give to others and to yourself.


A symbol of inner strength, resurrection, protection, humility and peace the dolphin brings a message of emotional exploration. When a dolphin swims into your dream, know that a door has been opened between your unconscious and conscious mind. The dolphin asks you to explore the depths of your unconscious, finding forgotten memories and hidden truths. The dolphin is giving you spiritual guidance, bringing you much-needed clarity and healing.


A symbol of adaptability change and transformation, the dragon-fly brings you the message of necessary evolution. As a dragonfly is born in water grows its wings and sets off into flight the dragonfly is assisting you in letting go and having the courage to move forward. The dragonfly represents the alchemy of spirit and asks you to feel comfortable leaving the waters you are so accustomed to and set off on your soul called journey.


A symbol of illumination, higher consciousness, introspection and hidden spiritual truths, the eagle soaring into your dreams gives you the ability to see the world from a higher perspective; rising above the material world to see the big picture.

A sign of great power, intuition and transformation, the eagle illuminates your path to the spiritual truths you are seeking. Positive changes are always on the horizon when an eagle reveals itself. Known as the great spirit and the ruler of the skies, the eagle is accredited to bringing spiritual seekers to the tree of life.


A symbol of strength, compassion, patience and wisdom the elephant brings an important message of tuning in to the vibration of life.

When the elephant comes into your dreams know that the elephant is bringing you the strength needed to remember


A symbol of stamina and strength, the elk shows you how to make best use of your own energy. Everything comes with patience and patience doesn’t mean waiting it means diligently toiling towards your goals at a stable pace. Don’t over or under exert yourself, keep your balance.


A symbol of the trickster, the fox is a wise teacher of magic. Quick thinking and adaptability are assets of this spiritual guide. The fox will show you to be swift and quick if you want to achieve your goals

Image by David Mark from Pixabay 

This article 15 Spirit Animal Totems You Might Encounter and What They Mean was originally published here at isoulscience.com

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