Be Like Heaven: A Short Poem

by freespirit
Be Like Heaven

“We are never more beautiful than when we are loving each other” -L.J Vanier

Be Like Heaven

The voices of the angels, a song, the most beautiful song, it would take 12 orchestras to even compare and still they would fall short.

Be Like Heaven

A mysterious fruit, soft and supple, so warm and refreshing it makes the mouth salivate with anticipation of the first bite.

Be Like Heaven

Free and wild at heart, innocent in love, like a child at play.

Be Like Heaven 

Inspire a sense of wonder and amazement.

Be Like Heaven

Eternal in love.

Be Like Heaven

Redefine the richness in you.

Be Like Heaven

A wellspring of compassion and acceptance. Laugh at yourself.

Be Like Heaven

Sing your song.

Be Like Heaven was originally published here June 10, 2019. 

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