How to Make The Unconscious Conscious

by freespirit

Have you ever wondered how Albert Einstein, Nicola Tesla, Leonardo Davinci, Stephen Hawking or even Steve Jobs were able to create the revolutionary technologies, scientific theories and intricate algorithms as they did?

These men along with many others were eons beyond their years in problem-solving and mathematical thinking. Too far that some would speculate that they must have a secret.

Well, this is it.

They had activated a part of the subconscious mind that directly links to the unified field of consciousness. To put it simply, they possessed the ability to draw from a wealth of knowledge that we are all able to connect with, because it is simply a matter of bringing memory forward deep out of the dusty shelves of the unconscious mind.

When activated, universal knowledge easily flows and then can be drawn out of the memory storage bank in the unconscious and brought into conscious thinking as a tool of the mind.

The current state of humanity, however, dwells in the unconscious part of the mind that reflects programmed behaviour that has been spoon-fed by societal, educational and religious dogmas and indoctrination.

Our current world system is meant to structure and reform us, through public education, media and religion. But if you can create new connections in your mind you will give rise to your own authentic power. giving you the innate ability to become your true, universal, knowledgeable self.

You see, the more your cup is full, the harder it will be to find this knowledge in your data storage bank.ย  Youโ€™ll need to want your conscious mind to pull unconscious thought and dig deeper than you thought you ever could. If not, you will continue existing in a programmed response from your unconscious to your conscious mind, making it so that you are only able to create from this one-dimensional space of educational memory.

Because most of our brain functioning is happening on an unconscious level, we complete our daily mundane tasks with little or no conscious thought and it is for this same reason that we find ourselves daydreaming most of the time.

By quieting your conscious mind, you allow for the unconscious to fill its place and the more you explore your unconscious mind, the more it will begin to open up.

Because the mind is interactive, knowing memory and thoughts only by symbols, the akashic records are a symbolic representation that the mind uses to illustrate the understanding that every thought, that has ever been thought exists in the collective consciousness.

The akashic records do not exist outside of yourself, a place that you must travel to in order to unlock the secrets of the universe. On the contrary, the akashic records exist within you all of the time and are always accessible.

Every time you have experienced a flash of insight or synchronicity you are connecting with the akashic records of โ€œhigher thoughtโ€.

Number synchronicity is a prime example of this unconscious thought process manifesting into our current reality and is very common among spiritual awakenings. Many people denote seeing 11:11 or 5:55 prior to a full-blown kundalini awakening, an experience of oneness and enlightenment.

While these synchronicities may be viewed as external happenings or โ€œsigns from the universeโ€ in truth these meaningful coincidences are manifestations of our unconscious minds projecting into our physical reality.

Our conscious mind then notices the signal in the form of these synchronicities and begins to look for reason and meaning.

So now that we understand how the conscious and unconscious mind correlate to one another, as well as how our unconscious minds send us signals in the form of meaningful coincidences, we can then use this information in order to bring unconscious memory forward into our waking state and gain access to the akashic records of unlimited knowledge.

1. Be Mindful

The reason mindfulness is so important is that in doing so, you give your conscious mind much-needed rest. If you have an overactive mind it can manifest health problems such as anxiety, depression, bipolar, schizophrenia, manic episodes and the list goes on. When the mind is quiet, however, flashes of insight and new connections begin to form that were not previously thought possible.

There are a wide variety of mindfulness meditations available as well as many simple tricks to staying in the present moment that everyone can benefit from.

2.Establish New Connections in the Brain

To establish new connections in the brain you need to take something you have received from your unconscious mind through a flash of insight, or information received through meditation and wire it into memory.

This is why consistent meditation is essential to increasing and maintaining a higher level of consciousness. Each time you meditate and โ€œmake contactโ€ you have an experience which then creates a new neurological connection. By repeating this process these neurons then maintain the relationship. This allows for a more free-flowing connection between the unconscious and conscious mind that expands your awareness and perception of reality on a conscious level.

3. Raise Your Vibration

Every thought we have whether it be positive or negative holds a unique vibration and so when we can change our conscious thoughts in a more positive way we can increase our vibration.

The akashic records then work this same way, in order to access a certain thought from the collective conscious, you need to be in vibrational alignment with that thought.

Energy flows where attention goes and so the more we dwell on the negative, the more negative thoughts we pull from the unconscious mind. Positive thinking has wonderful effects on our level of consciousness, so remember the higher you go, the more youโ€™ll know!

This article how to make the unconscious conscious was originally published here at, November 2015.

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