10 Things You Should Remind Yourself Of Everyday

by freespirit
things you should remind yourself everyday

We all want to live a happy, healthy life. But in the never-ending chaos, itโ€™s easy to get carried away and dive deep into stress, anxiety, depression or hopelessness.

We get angry and frustrated. But we also tend to put our hopes for happiness and relief on other people and other things. Before we know, we live our lives in the hopes of โ€œif I had thisโ€, โ€˜if I met this personโ€, โ€œif only I couldโ€. Just like drifting in a stormy ocean, we search for the land but we get further away from it.

We can find our balance by reminding ourselves of these ten simple things, every day when we start our day, or each time we feel down. Here is how:

10. Today will be as good as I make it. 

There are obstacles everywhere, for everyone. Life is never perfect and it is not meant to be perfect. The key is to remember that. Start your day by reminding yourself that as long as you can accept to face the facts, you are strong enough to deal with them. Do not let the obstacles bring you down, instead, see them as life lessons and find out why they are there. 

Nothing in life is a coincidence. Everything happens for a reason because, in the Universe, we are all energies that constantly cross paths with all kinds of vibrations. They are meant to be. You receive what you put out. So remind yourself, when you see a problem just like when you encounter something good, what do these signs tell you? What is the message? Find out and keep moving forward. Do not get stuck in the past and instead live in the present. And tell yourself you can turn bad into good from within when you mean it.

9. I create my own reality.

We perceive things a certain way depending on how we look at them. If you approach people and situations with preconceived ideas or judgments, remember that these are thoughts coming from within you. No two people look at the same situation in the same way. Each individual see things the way they want to see them because it is connected to how they see themselves. So keep this in mind and work towards balancing your good and bad qualities and you will see how you create this reality and that you have the capacity and capability to direct and redirect it.

8. I am not competing with anyone

Ambition can be a good thing if used correctly. But if you let it overpower you it can be very destructive to the point where you find yourself to be selfish and egotistical, but also unhappy and depressed in case of failure. The only thing you should be concerned with is to be a better you than you were yesterday and forget about everyone else you see as competitors and rivals. The key to self-confidence and success is to better yourself without depending on anyone or without comparing your reality to someone elseโ€™s.

7. I donโ€™t need anyoneโ€™s approval

We have ideas, things we want to do, places we want to go physically or spiritually, goals we want to achieve. Oftentimes we find ourselves thinking about what other people would think about us if we did. We hold ourselves back worried about other peopleโ€™s judgments about us. Is it acceptable? Is it wrong? Is it selfish? But look around yourself. Do you see how many lives are on standby or miserable because people think the same exact way that you do? You are a free individual who can think for yourself and you have desires and wishes and feelings about how you can grow. Do not depend on anyoneโ€™s approval and do not let anyoneโ€™s judgment bring you down. Because just like you create your own reality, they create their own. If they choose to judge you or be mad at you it shows something about themselves, not about you

6. When I change my thoughts about life, I change my life

Going back to creating your own reality, as we said before when the negativity overpowers you, you become fearful of it as it weakens you. And it destroys you and claims your happiness and personal growth. You can teach yourself manipulating the negative energy by balancing it with positive energy. Try daily meditation. It is a scientific fact that meditation reprograms our brains. In terms of neuroscience, think about all of your thoughts and feelings as branches of a tree. Only this tree is inside your brain. Just like a gardener would cut the dead branches from a tree to give way to the growth of the fresh new ones, meditation will teach you how to do that. And this is how you will learn to manipulate your bad thoughts and negativity by turning them into something better.

5. Live each day as if it is your last

This is a piece of advice we hear every day but take it for granted. It is important to remember that tomorrow is not guaranteed for any one of us. If you have to forgive someone, do it if you are angry with someone, find a way to overcome it, if you have regrets, try to find a way to make peace with yourself. Take these obstacles out of your way to give you the freedom and relief to live today in the best possible way. And donโ€™t forget to tell the ones you care about you love them.

4. Bad things donโ€™t make your life bad

If you find yourself complaining too much about every single bad thing that happens to you, you will not be able to notice the good things around you. Bad things happen to everyone just like good things happen to everyone. Do not let them define your life and who you are. Accept them and take your lesson and donโ€™t get discouraged. You are not alone. Life has its ups and downs. Happy moments and sad moments. If you only focus on the negativity, you will attract more of it.

3. Put one foot in front of the other

You can not do everything at once but also you should not try to do something when you are not mentally ready to face it. Especially if you have problems with your self-esteem before you take on a new challenge, work on getting your self-esteem higher and stronger so if you fail, you can find the strength to deal with it and move on. There is a right time for everything. If you feel that the time is not right, listen to your gut feeling. And when you do, you will know how to read the signs when your subconscious tells you the time is right.

2. Youโ€™ll never know unless you try

If you want something, ask for it. There is nothing wrong with asking. The worst that can happen is they say no. Do not be afraid of rejections. Rejections should be taken as signs that show us either we need to move on to something else or we need to better ourselves in that area. So donโ€™t take no as a โ€˜bad answerโ€™. Instead, use it to your advantage. But most importantly, do not let it affect your self-confidence. Analyze your feelings about it and find out why it made you feel bad. Then you can work on fixing it.

  1. You can do this!

Happiness, self-esteem, freedomโ€ฆ all these things you need are within you. You are the source of your own happiness, self-esteem and freedom. Nobody can give it to you and nothing can bring it to you either. If you put your hopes on others, what will you do when you achieve that? Since you started from a materialistic point of view, eventually that person or that something will not be enough for you and you will be back to square one. So learn to depend on yourself and realize that it all starts with you and within you.

This article 10 Things You Should Remind Yourself Everyday was originally published here at isoulscience.com 

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