Angels and Demons: How to Unleash Your Inner Warrior

by freespirit

“Darkness cannot drive out darkness; only light can do that. Hate cannot drive out hate, only love can do that.” Strength to Love, 1963. Martin Luther King Jr.

My father has told me since I was young, that people are inherently good. Whenever things seemed dark and I lost my faith, he reminded me that we all make bad decisions and we all can do some pretty dumb things… but deep down inside of us all, there is goodness and light.

Have you ever said or done something that was entirely out of character? You may have thought, “I can’t believe I did that!”

There are a lot of interferences one can encounter in life, many of which are malevolent. In fact, they relish in wreaking havoc on the physical plain. When a malevolent being enters and possesses a human being, it can change the temper or disposition of mind or outlook, especially when vigorous. This often results in the person behaving in ways that are out of character or harmful to themselves or others.

If what you’ve experienced wasn’t something positive or a plus… it’s time to give yourself the “once, twice, three times over.”

1. Assess Your Energy

The best way to assess your energy is to look at your emotions and mood. If you’re feeling off balance or anxious, there is likely some sort of interference in your system.

2. Take a deep breath

Take a deep breath and say a prayer or meditate to clear your mind.

3. Scan your body

Then, scan your body physically and metaphysically to see if there are any symptoms you’re experiencing.


By taking these steps, you can help to ensure that you’re living in a balanced and positive state.

An evil spirit or demon can take over a person’s body in order to control their actions. In some cases, the possession is temporary, and the person can regain control of their body after a short period of time. However, in other cases, the possession may be permanent, and the person may require professional help. Either way, possession by a malevolent being can have a profound and lasting effect on a person’s life.

Let’s examine a few:

Native American Voodooism

There is something truly unsettling about the notion of a zombie spirit. The very idea that a dead body could be reanimated by a supernatural force is enough to send a chill down your spine. And yet, this is precisely what Native Americans believe can happen. They call these spirits zombi and believe they can take the form of a great bird. These creatures are said to be incredibly powerful and can use their magic to control the minds and bodies of the living. If you cross a zombi spirit, you may find yourself in grave danger. So beware…the next time you see a bird flying overhead, it may not be what it seems.

Bady Fairy

The meaning of the term “bad fairy” is a bit up for debate. Some say that it simply refers to a fairy that causes harm, while others believe it is specifically used to describe a fairy that has been brought over to the dark side. Regardless of the meaning, bad fairies are not to be trifled with. These sprites are known for their mischievous nature, and they often take great pleasure in causing trouble for humans. They may play tricks on travellers, tamper crops, or even steal babies from their cradles. Bad fairies are dangerous and should be avoided at all costs. If you ever find yourself in the company of one of these creatures, beware…you may never come back.


A bogey, bogie, or bogy is an evil spirit. The word comes from the Middle English “bogle,” meaning ghost or goblin. Bogies are often associated with dark, haunted places like forests and caves. They can also be found in the form of animals, like snakes and spiders. A bogeyman is a type of bogie that specifically terrorizes children. Bogeymen may take the form of a monster or a clown. They may also dress up like a favorite character from a child’s nightmares. Whatever their form, bogeys are sure to give you a good scare!


Daemons have been part of human culture for thousands of years, and their meaning has changed over time. Ancient Greece saw them as benevolent creatures representing each person’s divine spark. Over time, however, they came to be seen as malevolent beings that possessed people and caused them to act in wicked ways. Today, the word “daemon” is often used to refer to evil spirits or demons. Although their meaning has changed over time, daemons still exist in many cultures as powerful and dangerous creatures.


Evil. Supernatural. Being.

These are the three words that best describe a cacodaemon. This fiend is an evil spirit that enjoys causing harm to humans. It delights in tormenting its victims and often takes on the form of a demonic beast. The word “cacodaemon” comes from the Greek meaning “evil spirit” or “demon.”

In ancient times, this was believed to be the soul of a wicked person that had not gone to the afterlife. Today, some still believe that cacodaemons exist and that they can possess people’s bodies and control their actions. Whether you believe in them or not, one thing is for sure: cacodaemons are definitely not to be messed with.


A fiend is an evil supernatural being, typically one associated with Hell. The word “fiend” comes from the Old English word meaning “to hate.” In early tales, fiends were often depicted as monstrous creatures like dragons or giants. As stories evolved, fiends began to take on a more human-like form, sometimes appearing as beautiful women or handsome men. However, their true nature is always revealed eventually, and they are shown to be cruel and ruthless beings. While fiends are often associated with Christianity, they appear in many different cultures and religions. No matter what form they take, fiends are always beings to be feared.

hobgoblin (folklore)

A hobgoblin is a type of creature from folklore. In some stories, they are mischievous and helpful, while in others, they are evil and dangerous. The word “hobgoblin” is derived from the Old English term “hob,” meaning “elf,” and “goblin,” meaning “ghost.” Some believe that the word was originally used to describe brownies, which are similar creatures from Scottish folklore.

Hobgoblins are often said to be small, with pointy ears and noses. They sometimes wear clothes, but they can also appear as naked humans or animals. In some tales, they live in the forest, while others live in people’s houses. While they can be both good and bad, most hobgoblins are considered to be mischievous rather than malicious. If you anger a hobgoblin, however, they may play tricks on you or even harm you. So be careful not to anger these creatures – it’s best to just stay on their good side!

kelpie, kelpy (Scottish folklore)

A water spirit in the form of a horse that likes to drown its riders

Kelpies are creatures from Scottish folklore with a particularly eerie origin story. They are said to inhabit freshwater lochs and rivers, and take the form of a horse. Kelpies were once human beings, cursed by a water witch to spend eternity in the guise of a kelpie.

These malicious beings would lure humans into the water, using their charms to lure them in, before dragging them to a watery grave. In some tales, the kelpie would even transform into a handsome man or woman to seduce unsuspecting victims. While many people believe that the kelpie is just a myth, there have been reports of sightings of these creatures throughout Scotland for centuries. Whether you believe in them or not, the next time you’re out for a walk in the Scottish Highlands, keep an eye out for any signs of the kelpy.


Though popular culture often depicts vampires as suave and sophisticated night creatures, the reality is much more chilling. Vampires are undead beings that feed on the blood of the living and have been a part of folkloric traditions for centuries. In many cultures, vampires are believed to be the restless spirits of those who died violently or prematurely, and they often target their victims at night. Though they may initially seem charming and alluring, vampires are dangerous creatures that can ruin lives – and often do. So if you’re ever lucky enough to meet one, be sure to tread carefully.


Angels are often seen as messengers of God, beings of light who bring us comfort and guidance in our time of need. But angels come in all shapes and sizes, each with their own unique role to play in the divine plan.

There are angels of healing, of protection, and of hope. There are angels of justice, of strength, and of courage. And there are angels of love, of peace, and of joy. No matter what we are facing in life, there is an angel who can help us through it.

All angels are beautiful and powerful, but some have a more visible presence than others. The Archangel Michael is a popular figure in art and legend, often depicted as a mighty warrior wielding a sword of light. The Angel Gabriel is another well-known angel, known for appearing to the Virgin Mary to announce the birth of Jesus Christ.

But angels are not just creatures of myth and legend; they are real beings who are part of God’s army. They are here to help us in our time of need, and we should never hesitate to call on them for assistance.

Benevolent Nature Spirits

In many cultures, it is believed that nature is inhabited by spirits who can offer protection and guidance to humans. These spirits take many different forms, from animals to plants to elementals. Some believe these nature spirits embody the land itself, while others see them as guardians or messengers. No matter their form, nature spirits are often seen as benevolent creatures who can help us connect with the natural world.

While the idea of nature spirits may seem like something from a fairy tale, there is a long history of belief in these creatures. People have told stories and created artwork depicting nature spirits for thousands of years. In many cases, these stories were meant to teach lessons about respect for the natural world. Today, the belief in nature spirits is still strong in many cultures worldwide.

The Kami

The kami are an important part of Japanese culture and beliefs. Like nature spirits, they are often worshiped at Shinto shrines, usually found in natural beauty areas. Surya, the God of the Sun, is one of the most well-known kami, and people often thank the nature spirits for their many blessings. The arts and culture of Japan have been greatly influenced by the kami, and they play a significant role in the country’s spiritual traditions. From beautiful artwork to traditional ceremonies, the kami are an integral part of Japanese life.

Here are 10 Ways To Become a Fearless Warrior and Live an Empowered Life

1. Belief in yourself. You have the power to change your life for the better. 

2. Face your fears head-on. The only way to overcome them is to confront them directly.

3. Take action! Don’t just sit around waiting for things to happen – go out and make them happen! 

4. Be positive and optimistic. Look at the bright side of every situation, and believe that things will work out for the best. 

5. Be determined and persistent. When you set your mind to something, don’t give up until you achieve it. 

6. Have faith in yourself and the universe.

7. Be fearless in your pursuit of what is important to you.

8. Follow your intuition and inner wisdom

We all know the truth when it’s being spoken, and we all know when we are hiding things from ourselves and choosing to believe in the lie. Trust your gut, follow your own inner wisdom and your own inner voice. It will lead you to truth and light, which is the greatest gift the universe can ever give.

9. Live in the present moment

10. Be grateful for what you have, even when things are tough

Being a fearless warrior doesn’t mean that you don’t feel fear. It means you face your fears head-on, no matter what they are. Believe in yourself, never give away your power and always remember that people are inherently good. ๐Ÿ™‚

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