Spiritualists have long believed that colours are not just variations in the electromagnetic spectrum but are intrinsically linked with our emotional and physical well-being. Psychologists have agreed with them on the effect of colours on the mind of viewer. Therefore, below are various detailed aspects of the seven primary colours so that your next decision that involves them is appropriately weighed!ย
Red is a very physical colour that is related to our root chakra at the base of the spine. This is the first chakra that unites us with the physical world and thus has an effect on all solid parts of our body such as the bones, spine, teeth, and nails. The red colour resonates with our blood circulation and thus when employed in colour therapy it can aid in relieving of problems involving the movement of blood in the body, like anemia or low blood pressure.
Red gives one confidence because it stimulates vital energy. It has been proven that plants placed under a red glow are prone to grow four times as fast as under normal lighting conditions. Moreover, red is the colour of love and passion, and thus excites the senses. So, if you have a low libido or want your sexual life to be livelier then this a good colour to wear.
Orange influences the second chakra (sacrum) that is at about navel level in the physical body. It relates to everything liquid present in the human body including blood, gastric juices and sperm along with related body parts like reproductive organs, bladder and kidneys. The combination of these organs and fluids (except for those related to reproduction) is utilized in getting rid of waste products in the body so orange helps in mitigating negative emotions, sexual frustration and old resentments and fears. Additionally, this colour helps in aiding the digestive process to be more efficient in the absorption of nutrients.
It is a stimulating colour, like red, and thus helps curtail the feeling of boredom or apathy and leads to creativity and enthusiasm. Quintessential orange colour also increases the desire for being social and having more friends.

Yellow is the colour that corresponds to the solar plexus area, the area is above the navel and the stomach that is deemed the center for personal power. It is a motivational colour and has an antidepressant effect on the human body that helps awaken enthusiasm while curbing feelings of low morale (this is why many exam rooms are painted in hues of yellow).
In colour therapy, yellow is considered as the colour that relieves toxic wastes from your body. It can relieve constipation and that is why many colour theorists recommend to put a shade of yellow in the washroom.
Yellow is the colour of wisdom, of the rational mind. Our left hemisphere uses the energy taken from the perception of yellow to relieve mental fatigue and provide the energy necessary to have the clarity of thought, agility and mental concentration.
So, the next time you need an injection of optimism and positivity, just look up into the sky on a clear sunny day!

Green represents the central chakra that is located at heart level. It embodies balance and harmony as it is neither cold nor hot, and thus strikes the perfect balance between the two extremes of the colour spectrum.
Green is thought to give mental clarity and aids in making important decisions appropriately. This colour is also believed to be especially conductive to the healing process which is why most hospital rooms tend to be painted green or have a considerable green presence.
If you are in need of calm or tranquility then the subtle properties of this colour are sure to help you out!
Blueย ย
Blue corresponds to the throat chakra and so is termed as more of a protective colour. It is the first cold colour in the spectrum and thus acts as an antidote to the effects of red. Therefore blue is more sedating than green and promotes a calm effect on the human body. That is why in colour therapy it is used to treat problems related to lack of sleep.
In addition, blue is deemed to be effective in dealing with stress pain in the neck region. It is thought that viewing blue periodically when having a massage to relieve a stiff neck doubles its potency.
Thus, when you are stressed or anxious, just have a peak at the blue sky and close your eyes to take in all the calmness it brings in.
Indigo is the colour utilized in the sixth chakra located between the eyebrows which is best known to represent theย third eye. The term third eye has more of a spiritual connotation and is related to the mindโs eye. Therefore indigo is linked to intelligence, wisdom and control of sensations, feelings and visions that come from our intuition and instinct.
In colour therapy, this colour is thought to strengthen the eyes, ears, nose and the central nervous system while simulating intuitive thinking. A treatment with this colour is beneficial for treating negative mental states such as obsession, hysteria and nervousness.
Indigo is also thought to purify the mind and blood and free us from the fears and anxieties that prevents us from listening to our inner voice.

It correlates with the crown chakra at the top of the head which is related to the brain and thus influences the whole organism. Violet maintains the balance between the physical body and theย higher mindย as it is obtained from a mixture of red (colour of matter) and blue (colour of spirit).
Violet or purple is a good colour to have on hand when we lack inspiration as it helps us to develop our creativity and make meaning out of things.
Colour therapy is used for treating insomnia and mental disorders (!).
Furthermore, it is thought to promote a meditative state while providing divine inspiration. Throughout history, this colour has been linked with royalty and priesthood. Therefore, if you want to be calm and have a nourishing effect on your spirit then surround yourself with purple!
Image byย Alexandr Ivanovย fromย Pixabayย
This article was originally published here at isoulscience.com.