10 Things To Remember as a Stay-at-Home Mom

by freespirit
10 Things to Remember as a Stay-at-home Mom

This just in, a stay-at-home mom has the hardest job there is. (Like we needed a study to tell us that.)

โ€œNo, I didnโ€™t stop working. I just stopped getting paid for it.โ€ -Yes Day

Being a stay-at-home mom is hands down, the most demanding job there is. It can feel isolating, defeating, and unrewarding. Noone thanks you for cleaning the toilets or mopping the floors. You donโ€™t get a lunch break, and all too often, all of the time and effort you put into tidying is undone within seconds because, well, children ruin everything.

There are no sick days and no alone time. So if you can swing 10 minutes in the shower by yourself, itโ€™s a damn good day.

As a stay-at-home mom, the house is always in disarray. Thereโ€™s no time for anyone elseโ€™s crap. If you have any self-respect, it goes without saying that your personal space is constantly being intruded upon by little people demanding attention from every angle.

A Stay-At-Home-Moms Survival Guide

Here are ten funny things to remember as a stay-at-home mom and a few simple tricks to be more proactive.

1. Sleep deprivation is a form of torture.

Ha! So, when you lose your patience, try to go easy on yourself. You just spent the last while in survival mode.

2. The house is a mess again, and thatโ€™s ok!

So that pile of clothes in the corner, whatever is stuck to the floor over there (that will not come off no matter how much I scrub it), the dishes in the sink and the pile of paperwork in the office can wait. Breathe!

3. Tidy the house in the evening

Youโ€™ll only have to do it once, and it will stay that way until the morning.

4. Make a schedule and stick to it as best you can.

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Children are healthier, happier and more well-adjusted with routines. That is until your kid starts teething, and that all goes out the window.

5. Know when to give yourself a time-out.

โ€œThe dog got out of the gate and is running around the neighbourhood, the cat is in that ladyโ€™s garden again, and my youngest is peeing in the backyard. Perfect. I think Iโ€™ll pour a glass of wine.โ€

6. Control kidsโ€™ screen time and devices.

Itโ€™s never a good idea to give your kid your smartphone. Ensure they have their own tablet or phone. Contrarily, if youโ€™re more of a sharing type like I was, be prepared for Siri to relabel your public profile, poopy-splatter-fart-farty-face or stupid, idiot, idiot ๐Ÿ™‚

7. Take some time for yourself every day

I do. Itโ€™s called multitasking.

8. If your kids learn foul language, blame the internet.

9. Youโ€™re doing a great job! Everything is going to be ok! ๐Ÿ™‚

10. If your home cooking sucks, donโ€™t worry. Thereโ€™s an app for that.

House Rules: If itโ€™s funny, youโ€™re not in trouble.

(Having a sense of humour will get you through just about anything)

All joking aside, being a stay-at-home mom was the most rewarding job I never got paid for. And thatโ€™s ok because hugs are always free.

My house was never sparkling clean, and my cooking wasnโ€™t the best; my children may have had more freedom than most, but they were loved and loved well. So, to all of you moms and stay-at-home moms out there, you are everyoneโ€™s hero.

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