15 Ways to Transform Your Negative Energy Into Positive

by freespirit

Everything goes wrong, no matter how hard you try. It seems like when something good comes your way, it disappears as fast as it says “hi”!  Why do all good things happen to others but not you? Why can’t you find inner peace or why is it that others can achieve what they want and you seem to be going backwards?

The sad truth of it all is… It is because you are the source of it. Your negative energy is blocking you reaching higher places spiritually and physically. And until you learn how to manipulate and transform this negative energy and bring balance to your life, unfortunately, you will attract what you give out. But it is not hard to achieve. With just a little patience and persistence, in 15 easy ways, you can learn how to do it.

  1. Make changes in your home and workspace

This can be as simple as changing the way you organize your living room like moving furniture around, getting rid of things you don’t need and maybe sometimes adding a few things to your home decor. At work, reorganizing your desk might help. A nice smelling candle, a little flower, some incense… But also do not forget about yourself. Maybe changing your hairstyle, or buying a few new clothes… all these things can lift your mood up.

2.Go on a vacation

Vacations are good opportunities for changes and rejuvenation. Seeing new places, experiencing new things, meeting new people. All of these things will bring positivity to your life and pull you out of your daily routine. With that new load of energy, you will see it will be easier to give your life a new perspective. Especially if you can keep this energy going with the support of meditation and positive affirmations.

3. Switch the radio station

You are a radio. And inside you, there are many channels and frequencies. A lot of stations. Start moving those knobs (talking old-fashioned radios here) and find a good station. Are you stuck on a spot where all you can hear is a never-ending hissing sound that gets on your nerves? Yes, this is where you are now, so move the knobs and find yourself a suitable frequency and enjoy what you are listening to. This is your new inner voice.

4.Sometimes you can not change everything

And maybe you should not try to change everything either. Sometimes all you need to do is relax and just take things as they come and go with the flow. It does not mean you are surrendering yourself, on the contrary, it means that you are acknowledging the events around you whether they are good or bad. And instead of letting them overpowering you and upsetting you, you notice their presence and you choose to not let them bring you down or stop you.

5. Take notes

Everything is clearer in your head when you put them out in writing. Writing is a great way of relief even if you are not a fan of writing.  We are not telling you to write long stories of fiction etc. No, just take little notes every day of the things that you see bring you negativity and slowly work on putting these obstacles aside and clearing your path.

6.Be with positive people

Just like you affect people and things around you with your negative energy, positive people carry an optimistic, healing and guiding energy with them. They are in general balanced people and know how not to let things bring them down and manipulate the bad vibes by putting out good vibes out. Being around them will help you in that sense and you can learn a lot from their wisdom. Listen to them and observe how they react during stressful situations.

7. Spend more time in nature

Nature is relaxing. A nice picnic at a park, a walk on the beach, hiking if you like that, or running, walking… camping somewhere… Explore nature, listen to the sound of the wind, leaves, trees, breathe in fresh air… Let the good thoughts in and exhale the bad thoughts out. Enjoy moments of quietness. Silence often tells us more than we can hear when we are in a crowded place.

8. Accept things as they are so you can move on

Everything happens for a reason. There are no coincidences in life. Everything crosses our path to give us signs or teach us a lesson. When we learn to look at things this way, we will be training our brains to approach things from a different angle. And this won’t be a self-destructive approach, instead, it will help us grow spiritually and bring us closer to our Higher Self.

9. Forgive others and forgive yourself

One more step towards peace of mind. Forgiveness is a great virtue. By accepting we are all equal human beings and we can all make mistakes because we are not perfect will give us the freedom we need to reach peace. Freedom from feeling like a victim, freedom from regrets, freedom from holding grudges, freedom from anger… Forgiving does not mean forgetting. Forgiving is acknowledging the experience, learning from it, making peace with it and finally moving on.

10. Don’t get stuck in the past

Guilt, regrets, anger, resentments, sadness, and many other emotions keep us in the past as we try to take a step forward. They hold us from one foot and pull us back in time and make us feel immobilized, heavy-hearted and blocked. We would feel confused and wouldn’t know how to deal with the present in order to prepare a better future for ourselves. So every time you find yourself stuck in the past, thinking of something or someone who brings out bad or sad feelings, do a simple breathing exercise. First, exhale a slow and deep breath and just feel your chest and stomach go down. And as you exhale, label this moment as the moment of acknowledgement of that certain feeling. And tell yourself when you inhale, you will bring this knowledge in with you and turn it into something positive. Repeat this exercise until you feel fully relaxed.

11. Exercise

Exercising helps us release stress and anxiety by increasing the levels of endorphin hormones. When we do it regularly, our bodies adjust to the new hormone levels and we naturally start feeling better physically and mentally. Physical activities also increase our self-esteem. We feel better because we know we are doing something good for our health. Each time we feel good after exercise, our self-confidence repairs itself more and more. Which in turn promotes self-respect. All things necessary to feel more positive and feel stronger to change the bad energy we feel inside into something positive and fruitful.

12.Spend more time taking care of yourself

When was the last time you had lunch with yourself? Seriously! Or when was the last time you decided “I will go out and do this today because I have been wanting this for so long”? Reward yourself, give yourself little gifts here and there. That movie you wanted to see so bad, go see it alone, you don’t have to do it with someone else unless you absolutely want to. Buy yourself something. Join a hobby class somewhere. Maybe you want to learn a new language? Or go to a spa. Start taking yoga lessons maybe? It all depends on what really interests you and gives you satisfaction.

13, Take responsibility for your actions

It is easy to get mad at others and judge them for what they do. Oftentimes, we forget they are humans just like we are and they do have their weaknesses just like we do. For some reason, it is more acceptable for us when we make mistakes or when we mistreat someone, we have a list of excuses and reasons ready, but we can’t that easily extend that understanding to someone else. Understand and accept that your actions affect other people just like other people’s actions affect yours. You can not do anything about them taking responsibility for their actions but you can do something about yours. Do not let your ego overpower you. Then you will get stuck in the past again. If you need to apologize, then do so. If you need time to sit down and talk to someone after a certain event, then give that time to yourself. But once you are ready, let it out and apologize when you realize you need to.

14. Do not let negative people overpower you

Just like positive people can uplift you, negative people can suck up your energy especially if you are an empath and do not know how to close yourself up when you face a negative situation in order to protect yourself. Learn when to distance yourself from these people so you can protect your inner balance.

15, Focus on what is good for you

Mindfulness meditation helps you classify your thoughts and organize them. By doing so you will be able to see what is good for you and what is holding you back. Try mindfulness meditation about 10 minutes a day, every morning before you start your day. Declutter your mind. Choose the path that will help you in your spiritual growth and don’t look back.

This article 15 Ways to Transform Your Negative Energy into Positive was originally published here at isoulscience.com 

Image by Gino Crescoli from Pixabay 

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