3 Ways to Heal Your Inner Child

by freespirit
3 Simple Ways to Heal Your Inner Child

Our programming is being set during the first six years of our lives. Psychologically, this programming will determine how we deal with life, our confidence level, and how we define what love looks and feels like.

The relationship with our parents and caretakers is the most crucial connection we establish.

It becomes the first understanding of the definition of love. Whether the home is filled with a tremendous amount of love or lack thereofโ€”even the happiest households give birth to children who harbour feelings of pain and rejection.

As you become an adult, your inner child is compartmentalized into your psyche, holding any and all pain, emotional wreckage, rejection and programming. Until these emotional wounds are healed, they will manifest outwardly and can create all sorts of problems.

You may find that you continually live the same scenarios in life, such as finding partners who mirror your original household upbringing yet are not healthy for you. That is until you bring these wounds front and center and incorporate them into our conscious awareness for healing. If not, they will continue to live in a โ€œbox in our mind,โ€ the inner child psyche that is still looking to be heard and healed.

Here are 3 Steps To Heal Your Inner Child.

1. Accept the Past

It is common in hurtful situations to avoid the pain and stifle the memories. But by suppressing the memories, they are bound to manifest negatively in other aspects of our lives. By accepting our pain and bringing our memories forward into conscious awareness, those memories can be healed.

We may not remember the events in our earliest years, but we never forget the feelings. Acceptance of the past is the first step to healing.

โ€œThe past cannot be changed, edited or erased. It can only be acceptedโ€. โ€“unknown

2. Dissect the Parental Relationship

This doesnโ€™t mean pointing fingers or assessing blame on your parents. Instead, it means empathizing and practicing forgiveness. Know that your parents are also broken children who did not heal properly.

Your childhood could be a reflection of their childhood. They may have vowed to do better than their parents did, but unless they could heal themselves, the cycle from generation to generation continues. Break the generational trauma.

We may not be able to change the past, but we can change our perceptions.

3. Bridge the Connection

Meditation is one of the most effective ways to connect with your inner child and hear what needs to be healed. By creating a safe place in your mind for your inner child, you build a bridge to connect the adult you and the child in you.

Once this connection has been made, you may be stunned by what your mind was hiding from you. Memories can surface that you may not even believe belonged to you.

Speak to your inner you and let him know that theย adult youย will now take care of the child. Let the child know it is time to let go of the past, and everything will be ok.

This article 3 Simple Ways to Heal Your Inner Child was originally published here at isoulscience.com on August 29, 2015ย 

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